Washroom Services.

Providing a clean and pleasant washroom is a positive reflection on your business and its values.

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The washroom division provides everything necessary to maintain a hygienic and well cared for facility, from the supply of consumables and dispensers through to air cleaning systems and water management. With our services, we provide a clean, safe and environmentally friendly approach to the sanitation and management of your washrooms.

Tap running

Our expertise.

  • Cubicle Services
  • Infection Control/Sanitisation
  • Air Care
  • Hand Care/Hand drying
  • Water Management
  • Vending and Dispensing
  • Medical and Clinical

We can audit your washrooms regularly to assure the quality of service and safety is up to the standards our customers have come to expect.

Talk to us about Washroom Services.

    It all starts with a conversation, tell us what you need.

    01235 760225


    What our customers say.

    It’s great to find a company who care about what they do and keep on caring.

    Abingdon Business Park

    Our other services.

    Cleaning Services

    The heart of Calber, as it is where we began and continue to excel.

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    Security Services

    Calber supply a bespoke solution from a simple key-holding, to a fully integrated security solution.

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    Waste Management

    Waste management is vital to any business; Calber will assist in making this safe and compliant for you.

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    Property Maintenance

    A full range of services to maintain the functions and fabric of a compliant working environment.

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